Deadline: June 1, 2017

Low-Interest Student Loans for Stark County Grads
Are you ready to build a foundation for your future by furthering your education? The Canton Student Loan Foundation can help make the dream of earning a degree a reality.
You can receive $12,000 total toward your undergraduate education and an additional $8,000 if you continue on to graduate school. Since 1922, we have extended more than $37 million to over 6,000 Stark County students.
View Our Video
Do you have the loans you need for college? Watch our short video where we follow one student's quest to obtain student loans and avoid the high-interest rate trap.
Local high schools students wrote, filmed and acted (hilariously) in this video. They know what it's like to be in your shoes.
Am I eligible?
The application criteria are simple. You must:
Graduate from a Stark County high school; be a Stark County resident who was eligible to graduate from a Stark County high school but chose to attend and graduate out of county; have earned a diploma from the ABC (A Better Chance) program; or a Stark County resident who was home schooled.
Enroll for at least 12 credit hours per term in a post high-school, undergraduate degree-granting program. This includes associate degree, technical-school and trade-school programs.
Have and maintain minimum term and cumulative grade point averages of 2.0.